1. Click Start, then click Settings (a small gear icon on the left). This will bring the “Windows Settings” panel to the front. Choose the "Network & Internet" icon.
2. On the left, click the VPN.
3. On the right, choose the “Add a VPN connection”, and set up a new connection as follows:
VPN provider | Windows (built-in) |
Connection name | Up to you (e.g. PA VPN) |
Server name or address | vapor.pa.ucla.edu |
VPN type | L2TP/Ipsec with pre-shared key |
Type of sign-in info | User name and password |
User name (optional) | Your login name, or leave blank for later |
Password (optional) | Your password, or leave blank for later |
Remember my sign-in info | Checked if this is your computer, unchecked otherwise |
After filling this in, click Save.
4. On the right, choose “Change adapter options”. The “Network Connections” will come up.
5. Find the adapter icon named as above (in this example, PA VPN), and right-click it, then choose Properties. This will bring the Properties panel.
6. Click the Security tab and set option as follows:
Type of VPN: Advanced settings | User preshared key for authentication, Key: PAvpn01 |
Data encryption | Optional encryption |
Authentication | Allow these protocols |
Unencrypted password (PAP) | Check |
7. Click the Networking tab, and uncheck all the items, except the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”.
8. Click the OK button, and close the “Network Connections” panel.
9. On the right, click the connection you just created (in this example, PA VPN), and click the Connect button. Use your P&A login to connect. In case of success, there will be a word "connected" right by the connection name.